MW Sort & Sorting (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 19 Decrease increase indents (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Decrease increase indents (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 18 Paragraph Bullet (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 18 Paragraph Bullet (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 17 Paragraph Alignment (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Paragraph Alignment (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 21 Finishing ListActivity
Finishing ListActivity
MW 16 Styles (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Styles (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 15 Clipboard (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Clipboard (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 20 Starting an Activity with a Class Object
Starting an Activity with a Class Object
MW 14 Clear Formatting (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 14 Clear Formatting (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 19 Setting up an ArrayAdapter
Setting up an ArrayAdapter
MW 13 Text Hightight & Font Color (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Text Hightight & Font Color (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 18 Create a List Menu from the ListActivity class
Create a List Menu from the ListActivity class
AD 17 Adding Music with MediaPlayer
Adding Music with MediaPlayer
MW 12 Text Effects (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Text Effects (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 11 Change Case (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Change Case (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 16 Activity Life Cycle
Activity Life Cycle
AD 15 How to Start a New Activity via Intent
How to Start a New Activity via Intent
AD 14 The Framework of a Thread
The Framework of a Thread
MW 10 Strikethrough (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Strikethrough (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 13 Introduction to the Android Manifest
Introduction to the Android Manifest
MW 9 SubScript or SuperScript (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW SubScript or SuperScript (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 8 Font Style & Size (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Font Style & Size (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 12 Setting up an Activity and Using SetContentView
Setting up an Activity and Using SetContentView
AD 11 Adding Resources and Setting Background
Adding Resources and Setting Background
MW 7 Text Grow or Shrink (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Text Grow or Shrink (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 10 Using setText method for our button
Using setText method for our button
MW 6 Bold Italic & Underline (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Bold Italic & Underline (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 5 Format Pianter (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Format Pianter (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 09 Set up a Button with OnClickListener
Set up a Button with OnClickListener
AD 08 Setting up Variables and Referencing XML ids
Setting up Variables and Referencing XML ids
MW 4 Cut Copy Past (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Cut Copy Past (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW 3 Close and Exit (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Close and Exit (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 07 Creating A Button in XML and Adding an ID
Creating A Button in XML and Adding an ID
AD 06 Introduction to Layouts in XML
Introduction to Layouts in XML
MW 2 Save Save as Open (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Save Save as Open (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
Learn Using Free Training Videos
Learn Using Free Training Videos
MW 1 Introduction (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
MW Introduction (Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010 Tutorial)(Urdu & Hindi)
AD 05 Overview of Project and Adding Folders
Overview of Project and Adding Folders
AD 04 Setting up an Android Project
Setting up an Android Project
AD 03 Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator
Installing Android SDK and Set up Emulator
AD 02 Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADT
Installing Eclipse and Setting up the ADT
AD 01 Download and Install the Java JDK
Download and Install the Java JDK